Top 5 Mistakes Balding Men Make
There are tons of upside to being bald: From less money wasted on haircuts to the classic “out of bed, on the road 5 minutes
There are tons of upside to being bald: From less money wasted on haircuts to the classic “out of bed, on the road 5 minutes
If you’re wanting to have children as a bald man, the idea of passing on the ‘bald gene’ may have crossed your mind. We’re here to break it down for you.
So, your man is attached to his hair. Unfortunately, his hair is becoming less and less attached to him. There are a number of reasons
Growing up, I had a super thick head of hair with two cowlicks. My hair would naturally part in the middle (bum part) and it
It’s over 14 years since the day Britney Spears stormed into a hairdresser, grabbed the nearest pair of clippers and went to town on her
Whether you’ve chosen to go bald or have woken up to this new reality of yours, you’ve no doubt already been asking yourself all sorts
Chances are going bald wasn’t your choice. Sure, there are some guys who pull it off as a fashion statement. They shave their heads right
Hair loss solutions are one of the world’s greatest farces — along with other multi-billion-dollar gimmicks like pore strips, the ab shaker and those dodgy