So – you’ve taken the plunge and gone bald. That’s great – and welcome to the club! One of the most convenient accessories to underline or complement your new look and style is an awesome pair of sunglasses. But what are the best sunglasses for bald men?
One of the most significant changes is the overall shape of your head. Well, truth be told, the actual shape of your head has likely not dramatically changed, but unless you’ve only had a stubble left before you went all in, the silhouette of your head likely looked different when you still had hair.
The good news is that a clean-shaven head is as minimalist and pure a shape as they come in. Add the right sunglasses and you’re set to leave a lasting impression.
Let’s find out which sunglasses work best for bald guys!
What To Consider When Picking Sunglasses For a Bald Head
No more hair means there’s a stronger focus on your facial features, which makes finding the perfect sunglasses for bald men even more important. There are two things you need to consider in the search for the perfect sunglasses for your newly bald head.
First, there is the color. Your hair was likely of a different color than your facial skin, which provided somewhat of a contrast in your appearance. Contrast is good – you don’t want to appear as one big plain blob of flesh.
Picking a sunglass color that nicely complements your facial skin tone will make all the difference. Keep in mind that you can play with the frame/lens combination quite nicely, such as creating the contrast with the frame and keeping the lens itself in a similar tone to your skin.
Second, there is the shape. Unless you sport a serious beard, your silhouette now depends 100% on the shape of your bald head. While that’s a unique chance to create an awesome look, it’s also a risk if you opt for sunglasses shaped in an unfavorable way.
What Sunglasses For Which Skin Color?
Every human is different, and there are thousands of individual skin colors. For practicality’s sake, let’s stick to the six basic colors according to the Fitzpatrick Scale:

Sunglasses for Light, Pale White Skin
If you find yourself on the lightest side of the scale, you got something going for yourself: There are no shades as light as your skin, so most colors will provide good contrast.
Example of a great fit: Erica Classic Gradient + Tortoise

Sunglasses for White, Fair Skin
If that’s you, you’re in luck: The majority of colors work, but you’ll want to stick to shades darker than your skin to not appear too white.
Example of a great fit: Clubmaster Metal Classic + Black
Sunglasses for Medium White to Olive Skin
Approaching the middle of the spectrum, you’ll want to go either way. As the selection of darker shades is significantly bigger, you’re likely to find a good fit there.
Example of a great fit: Chris Gradient + Tortoise
Sunglasses for Olive, Mid Brown Skin
Just ever so slightly on the darker side, this tone opens up interesting options: Be bold, go light!
Example of a great fit: RB4274 Classic + Grey
Sunglasses for Brown, Dark Brown Skin
Tons of options on the lighter side are available to you – but you can still go all black. Also, gold looks really awesome with this tone.
Example of a great fit: Aviator Flash Lenses Flash + Gold
Sunglasses for Very Dark, Brown, Black Skin
There are definitely some unique benefits to the darkest tone on the scale: You can manage both extremes. Anything light will provide an awesome contrast, but you can also pull off super dark, because – let’s face it – all-black is awesome.
Example of a great fit: RB8322 Chromance Polarized Mirror Chromance + Silver
What Sunglasses for Which Face Shape?
Just like skin colors, no two faces are 100% shaped alike. Having said that, there are four major shapes, and chances are you’ll find yourself resembling one of them.

Best Sunglasses for a Square Face
Round is not your problem – if anything, it’s the opposite: You rock a square face. While this shape often looks really cool, it does have a tendency to appear hard and edgy.
If you want to counteract that appearance a bit, aim for the opposite: Round, oval, and a lack of hard edges and corners. Classic round glasses will do wonders, as will semi-rimless. Aviator and Wayfarer styles can work, but be mindful of the size and thickness of the frame: A thick frame can look somewhat overwhelming on a square face.
We’d recommend staying away from Shield and Sport styles unless you really want to accentuate the squareness and take it to the extreme.
Example of a great fit: Clubround Classic
Best Sunglasses for a Round Face
Looking “too round” is a common fear amongst guys when they first go bald. If that’s you – fear not: The right sunglasses can provide quite a bit of edginess.
Look at what you don’t want and work backward from there: Likely featuring a voluminous head already, you don’t want anything that seems to add volume or more roundness to your face. So stay away from round glasses and thick frames. You can do oversized, but just keep in mind that wearing massive sunglasses on an already big face can have an exponential effect.
Example of a great fit: Justin Classic
Best Sunglasses for an Oval or Oblong Face
An easy (and in our experience very common) one first: Oval or oblong. While oblong by definition is a bit more edgy than oval, we’re confident to put them into the same category as the borders are somewhat blurred and they both work with the same sunglasses:
Most of them.
That’s right – those are the lucky ones. Neither very round nor very square, this shape of face fits pretty much any style of sunglasses you can find. Wayfarer, Round, Sport, Aviator… You name it, an oval or oblong face will look good with it.
Example of a great fit: RB3386
Best Sunglasses for a Heart- or Triangle-Shaped Face
That’s you if the upper part of your face looks wider than your jaw. The upside of this face shape is that it sits on the sweet spot between looking strong-featured but not yet overwhelmingly dominant. The risk is to accentuate a potentially pointy chin and an already wide forehead.
Being that this shape is neither round nor square, many shapes of sunglasses can look great. Whether you’re going for a classic round shape or the old rectangle – you’ll likely be able to pull it off.
Be cautious not to accentuate the wide upper part of your face though. Stay away from thick frames, especially on wide sunglasses, as they’ll make your forehead appear huge. Similarly, be careful with semi-rimless: You likely don’t want more volume at the top of your sunglasses than at the bottom, since your face already has those features.
Example of a great fit: Erika Metal
Other Things To Consider For Bald Guys
Thick vs. Thin Frames
Besides the actual shape, the thickness of the frame is the most obvious differentiator between different models of sunglasses. What should you go for – thick or thin?
It depends on your face shape, and what you want to achieve. Thick frames are a statement – they are impossible to overlook, and add volume. If you’re going for oversized, have a slim face shape, or a small head overall, that might be a perfect fit.
If, on the other hand, you’re looking for a subtle complimentary accessory to help your style but not scream at people, thin frames are a better choice. The same goes for large faces, especially of round and square shapes: You’re hard to oversee already, so there’s no need to add a visual magnet to your face. Go for thin and subtle – anything else could quickly be too overwhelming.
What Sunglasses Are in Style For Bald Men in 2023?
Many shapes and colors are never out of style – and some would argue others never should be in style. Having said that, there are two ends of the spectrum that are definitely going to be big in 2023.
An evergreen, but particularly popular right now are retro-round sunglasses. You don’t have to look far – Ray Ban’s Round Double Bridge is as classic as they come. It is 2023 after all, so feel free to play around with features like bright lenses or gradient colors as you please.
On the other extreme, we have the oversized tribe. Big lenses, often thick frames – nothing says “I am here” like a pair of those bad boys. First popular in the 70s and intermittently ever since then, they’re definitely making a strong comeback in 2023. Wanna be fancy? Go for Ray Ban’s RB4309M Scuderia Ferrari Collection. Trust us – you won’t be overlooked.
Celebrity Inspiration
If you’re still stuck and need some inspo from some world famous athletes and Hollywood stars then look no further.
Fashion icon Stanley Tucci (second row, middle) sports some classic round frames while Pitbull (second row, right) dons his famous aviator style.
Bruce Willis (fourth row, right) shows off the classic Ray-Ban look while Kelly Slater (third row, right) is seen sporting a similar style.
Whilst once famous for his out-there Oakley sunglasses, Andre Agassi (fourth row, left) now opts for a square shape to match his round shaped, bald head.

When All Else Fails
If you are still unsure about your skin tone colour and the shape of your bald head, then the default and safest option is always to start with sunglasses that have huge lenses. The reason behind this is that with current trends, these are the sort of sunglasses that match with a lot of people. Here, the complexion, style choice, and the shape of your face does not matter as much. If you’re still not sure and you need a recommendation go with classic Ray Ban Aviators, you can’t go wrong.

Sunglasses for Bald Men: The Wrap Up
What sunglasses suit bald heads?
All of them.
Find out your skin color and your face shape. Whether your skin is fair or dark, whether your face is round or square – the perfect sunglasses for you are out there. Go for a model that either complements what you’ve been given by nature, or that makes the statement you want.
You’re bald. Be bold. The world will embrace you.