Recapturing Your Bald Guy Mojo in 2021
Confidence down? Feeling unattractive and unlovable? You’re right, you’re the problem. The good news is, you’re also the solution. Being attractive, confident and ‘the kind
Confidence down? Feeling unattractive and unlovable? You’re right, you’re the problem. The good news is, you’re also the solution. Being attractive, confident and ‘the kind
Markus speaks about his hair loss journey which started in his twenties. He overcame the fear of going bald and is now more confident than ever!
Growing up, I had a super thick head of hair with two cowlicks. My hair would naturally part in the middle (bum part) and it
Losing your hair, like any other significant loss in life, can have serious psychological repercussions. Hair is a major part of who we are and
If you’re reading this, we feel you. We’ve been where you’re at right now; looking for answers and reassurance, a quick fix anything to make
Your hair is falling out. People are starting to notice, and you need to address the issue now. Welcome to The Fork: a decision that