Best Moisturisers for Bald Heads


Taking care of your skin is extra important when you go bald. To save you time, we’ve compiled a list of our favourites and where to get them.

The Biggest Myths About Hair Loss


Myths about hair loss are about as common as the miracle cure’s that seem to follow them. Well we’re here to seperate truth from fiction.

How Do I Get My Husband to Embrace His Baldness

Help husband embrace baldness

So, your man is attached to his hair. Unfortunately, his hair is becoming less and less attached to him. There are a number of reasons why he’s desperately clutching at these remaining straws. It’s your life partnerly duty to step in and reassure him that biting the bullet and accepting what is naturally inevitable is […]

Balding: What The ^%#$ Was I Worried About?

Balding - What the ^%#$ was I worried about

Growing up, I had a super thick head of hair with two cowlicks. My hair would naturally part in the middle (bum part) and it was very easy to make it look neat and nice. I was in grade 6 when I was finally allowed to run some gel through it to spike it up […]

Lessons From The Day Britney Ran Out Of F*cks (Flashback)

Britney spears bald hair clippers

It’s over 14 years since the day Britney Spears stormed into a hairdresser, grabbed the nearest pair of clippers and went to town on her money-making locks. At the time, the tabloids screamed ‘breakdown’ and that she had finally lost the plot. However, since then, more details have emerged about the trigger and the underlying […]

Do Women Like Bald Guys?

Do Women Like Bald Guys?

Whether you’ve chosen to go bald or have woken up to this new reality of yours, you’ve no doubt already been asking yourself all sorts of questions. “Do women like bald men? Are men with shaved heads attractive? Is balding unattractive?” You may have even Googled these terms which have led you to this article […]

The Hair Loss Scale: When to Shave Your Head


Shaving your head is NOT a sign of defeat. It’s a sign of triumph. It’s a sign you’re taking ownership over your identity, on your terms, as a mature and self-accepting guy.  According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), more than 50 percent of all men over the age of 50 will be […]

The 7 Stages of Hair Loss Grief

7 Stages of Hair Loss Grief

Losing your hair, like any other significant loss in life, can have serious psychological repercussions. Hair is a major part of who we are and how we present ourselves to the rest of the world. It makes sense that when we start to lose it that we feel diminished or ‘less whole’. It’s important to […]

4 Signs You Are Actually Going Bald

4 signs you are actually going bald

First up, take a breath and remind yourself that it’s not actually the end of the world. We totally understand that the first stages of ‘going bald’ sucks. But trust us when we say it could very well be the making of you. You might have noticed some hair on your pillow, around your basin, […]