Top 5 Mistakes Balding Men Make

top 5 mistakes balding men make

There are tons of upside to being bald: From less money wasted on haircuts to the classic “out of bed, on the road 5 minutes later and still looking good” routine many bald guys successfully pull off in the morning – being bald has its perks. But it can also be easy for balding men […]

Do Bald People Use Shampoo?

do bald guys use shampoo?

When you hear the word “shampoo”, likely the first thing you think of is hair. Right? This begs the question: Does “no hair” automatically mean “no shampoo”?  Well – hold your horses. Just simply because you’re part of the exclusive club of bald-headed people does not mean you get to ignore shampoo for good.  Let’s […]

The Best Sunscreen For Bald Men

the best sunscreen for bald men

It’s important for everyone to protect all parts of their skin from harsh UV rays, but exposed skin right on the top of your head? That needs extra protection. Being the first point of contact with the sun, a good sunscreen should be essential in any bald mans daily routine. Why do bald men need […]

Going Bald & What You Can Do About It

going bald men and what you can do about it

Going bald – the mere thought can trigger nightmares for many guys. But what can you do about it?  For most of us, making sure our hair looks at least acceptable has been part of our daily routine ever since we went on our first date. For some of us, the fact that mother nature […]

Best Hairstyles & Haircuts for Balding Men in 2021

the best hairstyles for balding men

For a lucky few, balding never becomes an issue. For some of us, it’s something we start thinking about as early as our 20s and for many this often results in investigating the best hairstyles for balding men, doing everything you can to hide your hair loss. Statistically speaking, it will affect the majority of men […]

Why Do I Have A Receding Hairline?


When going through old photos, do you notice your hairline seems so much further forward than it is now? A receding hairline can be hard to notice when you look at yourself every day but can be a bit of a shock when you see the difference. Or maybe you have noticed a drastic change […]

How Much Hair Loss is Normal?


So you’ve finally gotten around to cleaning your shower, and found a big ball of hair in the drain? Or your towel seems to be made of fur after every time you dried your hair? Or maybe you’re simply noticing a growing forehead or a bald patch on your head somewhere?  The good news is […]

Signs of Balding at 20

young guy worried about hair loss

So – you’re somewhere in your 20s, and your hair (or at least losing it) is the last thing you normally think about. But then… something happens.  Maybe your best friend is going bald. Maybe your comb looks like it’s grown fur after every time you’ve used it. Maybe you’re noticing bald spots on your […]

Beard Maintenance 101

beard maintenance 101 - How To Maintain Your facial hair

So – you’re bald and you’ve grown a beard. Awesome – and welcome to the party!  If you’ve just started out and are looking for inspiration, check out the best beard for bald guys in 2021. But whether you’re new to the beard game or a seasoned veteran, some rules are the same: Thou Shall […]

Will I Go Bald?

mens advice will I go bald

So – you’ve met with a friend for the first time in a while and were shocked to see his receding hairline and thinning hair?  And now you’re wondering if you’re actually in the same boat, and simply have not noticed because you see yourself every day?  Chances are you’re affected. More on those chances […]