Beard Maintenance 101

beard maintenance 101 - How To Maintain Your facial hair

So – you’re bald and you’ve grown a beard. Awesome – and welcome to the party!  If you’ve just started out and are looking for inspiration, check out the best beard for bald guys in 2021. But whether you’re new to the beard game or a seasoned veteran, some rules are the same: Thou Shall […]

Will I Go Bald?

mens advice will I go bald

So – you’ve met with a friend for the first time in a while and were shocked to see his receding hairline and thinning hair?  And now you’re wondering if you’re actually in the same boat, and simply have not noticed because you see yourself every day?  Chances are you’re affected. More on those chances […]

Bald Style & How Less is More


Society has gotten to a point where thanks to social media and filters, beauty standards are often unattainable and fashion styles are changing before we even get a chance to wear them. So where do all these trends sit with bald guys? A few brands are now saying ‘less is more’ and as bald men, […]