Female Pattern Baldness

what causes female pattern baldness

Did you know that over 55% of women will experience some type of hair loss in their lifetime? Often the topic can be overlooked and seen solely as ‘a men’s issue’, but that statistic alone proves that isn’t true. Female Pattern Baldness is the most common type of hair loss and we’re here to talk […]

Going Bald & What You Can Do About It

going bald men and what you can do about it

Going bald – the mere thought can trigger nightmares for many guys. But what can you do about it?  For most of us, making sure our hair looks at least acceptable has been part of our daily routine ever since we went on our first date. For some of us, the fact that mother nature […]

Why Do I Have A Receding Hairline?


When going through old photos, do you notice your hairline seems so much further forward than it is now? A receding hairline can be hard to notice when you look at yourself every day but can be a bit of a shock when you see the difference. Or maybe you have noticed a drastic change […]

The Norwood Scale – 7 Stages of Hair Loss

the hamilton-norwood scale seven signs of hair loss

If you’re noticing some thinning patches of hair or that your forehead seems to be getting larger every month, you may need to seek the Norwood Scale for some guidance on your hair loss journey. The Norwood Scale originated in the 1950’s by someone called Hamilton but then was redefined in the 70’s by Norwood […]