Top 5 Mistakes Balding Men Make
There are tons of upside to being bald: From less money wasted on haircuts to the classic “out of bed, on the road 5 minutes later and still looking good” routine many bald guys successfully pull off in the morning – being bald has its perks. But it can also be easy for balding men […]
The Best Sunscreen For Bald Men
It’s important for everyone to protect all parts of their skin from harsh UV rays, but exposed skin right on the top of your head? That needs extra protection. Being the first point of contact with the sun, a good sunscreen should be essential in any bald mans daily routine. Why do bald men need […]
Going Bald & What You Can Do About It
Going bald – the mere thought can trigger nightmares for many guys. But what can you do about it? For most of us, making sure our hair looks at least acceptable has been part of our daily routine ever since we went on our first date. For some of us, the fact that mother nature […]
What Causes Hair Loss & Male Pattern Baldness
The science surrounding mens hair loss is something we have only – kind of – been able to figure out in the past century. Unfortunately it’s far too complex to be 100% predicted or understood, but there has been extensive research into what causes hair loss. Anatomist James B. Hamilton was the first to link […]