There are many ways you can style a bald head and beard for different occasions or even seasons. You may have asked the question; Should I dress differently when I’m bald? Taking this into consideration is important but so is dressing to suit your environment.
Let’s take a look at some of the main categories of bald and bearded fashion styles and show some of our favourite or most common looks.
Corporate Style/Formal Bald & Bearded
When you want to look your best in a suit whether that be for work purposes, wedding or any formal event, look to these styles.

Beard & Bald Casual Style
Everyone has their own unique casual styles, but there are some looks that look particularly well with a bald head and beard.

Smart Casual Bald & Bearded
Slap the first two together and you’ve got a category where a lot of scenarios require this exact style. Here are some ideas.

Vacation Style / On Holiday Shaved Head
I think we can all agree that people on holiday just dress different. Whether it’s the tacky Hawaiin shirt, bold colour choices, super casual beach wear or themed outfits to match your destination, there’s just a whole different look when you’re on vacay.

Bald & Bearded Quirky Style
Some people are just born to stand out and this can translate from their personality into their fashion sense and appearance. Go bold or go home?

What category do you fit into or which inspires you the most? Changing up your style can be an exciting way to re-invent yourself and make yourself feel better. Think of it like a makeover that you can give yourself every day.