Learn How To Conquer
Your Fear of Hair Loss
Everything the hair loss treatment industry doesn’t want you to know.

Making the jump to a shaved or razor-sharp bald head is a big move, so getting an idea about how you would look bald is a great first step.
Self Help
Whether you’ve chosen to go bald or have woken up to this new reality of yours, you’ve no doubt already been asking yourself all sorts of questions. “Do women like bald men? Are men with shaved heads attractive?
Latest Bald Posts

Top 5 Mistakes Balding Men Make
There are tons of upside to being bald: From less money wasted on haircuts to the classic “out of bed, on the road 5 minutes

Do Bald People Use Shampoo?
When you hear the word “shampoo”, likely the first thing you think of is hair. Right? This begs the question: Does “no hair” automatically mean

Hair Loss Treatment Options
Firstly, welcome. Welcome to acknowledgment. Whether you have accepted the fact that you’re losing your hair or not, you’re here and that is a great